Al-Anon – Working the Steps -Steps One Through Three

Healing The Pain That Binds Us

Here is my personal, condensed guide of how I thought while I worked through Steps One through Three in Al-Anon.  Yours may be longer or shorter, it’s a personal journey and there is no wrong or right way to do this.  Hard for me, because I’ve  always made things more difficult than they needed to be, and thought I was being graded on whether I did this “right.”  Just remember to be gentle with yourself.  The only person grading you on this is yourself  Let that part go…

Step One, “We admitted we were powerless over alcohol” (I inserted drugs, the drug addict) “- that our lives had become unmanageable”. I finally realized that I was powerless, this disease had me beat, I couldn’t control it or him (the addict) and any illusion to the contrary had been a futile attempt at best, and my life had become beyond unmanageable…

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